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Why Dogs Are Really God With Fur

Why Dogs Are Really God With Fur

Cat lovers, now is your time to abort this story, for ONLY DOG LOVERS may continue reading.

We have to put my dog of 12 years down and I'm downright hysterical about it. Of course everyone thinks their dog is the best dog ever, but that can't be true because my sweet angel was, is, and will be the best dog to ever live and walk the planet. (Sure, I might be biased, but who asked you anyway?)

I could write an ode to my dog, but I won't for it would take too long and you would lose interest. 

However, out of respect for Bailey, I will say a few words.

My dog is the mascot of our neighborhood. Everyone knows my mom as the lady who walks the beautiful springer spaniel; even the security guards know Bails and will come play with her in the front yard.

We haven't used a leash for her in approximately 8 years because she will walk right alongside you (unless she sees a squirrel, then all bets are off). We can let her out by herself because she never leaves the yard. She doesn't chase cats (which is good since we have two) and she gets along with just about everyone.

When you talk to her, she looks at you with her big brown eyes and you can tell she's with 100% with you. She is intelligent, playful, loving, beautiful and downright Godly.

People joke that God spelled backwards is dog, but honestly it completely explains the essence of dogs. The first thing that comes to mind when I think of God is unconditional love. He let his only son die on a cross for our sins and that speaks volumes. 

To quote one of my favorite books and movies:

“A dog has no use for fancy cars, big homes, or designer clothes. A waterlogged stick will do just fine. A dog doesn't care if you're rich or poor, clever or dull, smart or dumb. Give him your heart and he'll give you his. How many people can you say that about? How many people can make you feel rare and pure and special? How many people can make you feel extraordinary?" – John Grogan, Marley & Me

Dogs don't care what you look like, how you act, what you do, or who you are. They love you unconditionally. How many people can you say that about? Who will love you when you're irritable and having a bad day or when you haven't showered because you've been watching a Harry Potter marathon all weekend? (Not speaking from experience or anything…)

But seriously! Who is going to snuggle up next to you? Not your cat. They have a thing for hygiene… It's going to be your dog.

The only other person who loves us for exactly who we are at all times, in whatever shape or form, is God. So saying that dogs are God might be a stretch, but I honestly think dogs are made more in God's image than we are. 

Dogs make an impact in your life. Their presence is always known and they are truly members of the family. 

I used to have another dog, Sonny, and even though we had him for a much shorter time, he made an impact in our lives. I will always remember his snaggle-tooth smile and his obsession with collecting every tennis ball he could find. 

I know older relatives who can't remember names or dates, but can tell you all about their childhood dog. I think of soldiers overseas who have specially trained dogs and people with disabilities who have service dogs and I am just stunned at how much dogs influence our society. 

I know the Egyptians used to worship cats… maybe it's time to worship our dogs. 

We should at least acknowledge the Godly acts that they perform everyday; whether it be leading a blind man across the street, detecting a bomb and saving lives, or simply snuggling up to a rank version of ourselves and loving us when we seem unlovable. 

The point of this spiel, I suppose, is that dogs are simply Godly animals and therefore should be treated with the dignity that they deserve. 

If you have a dog, count your blessings and love him or her unconditionally, as they love you. If you don't have a dog, get yourself down to the animal shelter and give one of those divine beings a home. I guarantee you won't regret it. In fact, it will be the best decision you ever make.

R.I.P Bailey Yauger ~ 4/17/15

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